04 April 2007

Ashes to Ashes to the Olfactory Appendage

File this under "Duh!"-- There is something seriously wrong with Rolling Stone mediocre guitarist Keith Richards.

He snorted his deceased father's ashes like cocaine. He said he couldn't help himself.


Now, I'm a really tolerant kind of guy. I really am! There aren't a whole lot of things in life that exceedingly disturb me. But I'm sorry folks. I have to draw the line somewhere. Snorting cremains has to be one of the creepiest things I've ever heard of. It's right up there with cannibalism.

There is one bright side, however-- at least he admits to inhaling.

I'm beginning to believe in an impending Apocalypse again!


Chris Ledgerwood said...

Yeah, that is a weird dude!

Doug Hoag said...

Yeah. But apparently now he's doing damage control through his agent. His agent says Richards was just joking.

Uh huh!

Chris Ledgerwood said...

If he was joking it was a sick joke!