23 May 2007

All That Has Been Written

Have you ever had those times when you read something for the umpteenth time and then something in your brain finally clicked? I had one of those experiences today.

I came across this passage from the Gospel of Luke, chapter 21, verse 22:

For this is the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. (emphasis mine)

The context is Jesus' warning the disciples about the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the temple. When the followers of Jesus saw all of the signs that this event was going to occur immanently, they were to flee Jerusalem and not turn back. The immanent destruction of the city and the temple was the time of punishment in fulfillment of all that has been written. (emphasis mine)

This absolutely blew me away! The fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures in their entirety would be accomplished in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple.

Wasn't one of the hopes of 2nd temple Jews the fulfillment, or the consummation, of the Scriptures? Wasn't that "the dream"? Didn't they want to see the conclusion of their story? This is what Jesus was claiming was going to happen! The destruction of Jerusalem and the temple was the end of the story!

So, where did we get this idea that the space/time continuum would be destroyed or even that their will be a complete consummation of all things sometime in our future? I used to teach this, but will do so no longer.

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