10 July 2007

Mr. Hoag Goes to Houston

This next week will find me and the family in Houston, Tejas because I will be attending the LCMS Triennial Regular Convention as our circuit pastoral delegate. I'm not sure how I'm going to vote on things. I'm thinking about not voting at all and being a slacker. Seeing that I'm quite apathetic when it comes to power politics (which is basically the norm in all political arenas), I'm not exactly what you would call an ideal delegate. My instincts tell me to vote for the least qualified people. I would love to see a bunch of people in office who don't know what they're doing. I may even nominate myself to be president. Of course I won't win, but if I did win I would be in over my head and I'll probably spend much of my time in bed, giving no leadership at all and sending the synod into a tailspin. More than likely what the synod needs-- lack of leadership. What a refreshing change that would be!!

One of the issues that will be faced by the delegates is approving a resolution to secure altar and pulpit fellowship with the American Association of Lutheran Churches (AALC). I don't know much about this church body, and I honestly don't care, but I'm just glad that the LCMS will be in fellowship with SOMEBODY! It's about time!! It's really no wonder that a major publication a few years ago called the LCMS a cult. We were our own little island in American Christianity. Some groups are against this resolution, probably because they didn't think of it first.

I will refuse to listen to lobbyists who will no doubt be swarming the convention center. I'm not interested in anything they have to say. They're just a bunch of sad sacks with nothing else better to do than badger the delegates into voting a certain way. I may just pay some of them to leave me alone and let me do what I need to do in peace.

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