16 April 2008

Holy Conversations

I wonder what would happen if all churches in America closed their doors and instead took it upon themselves to engage others in conversation about faith, Christ, God, etc. in any place. What would that do to Christianity?

No motive on my part. It's just a question. Thoughts?


Chris said...

It would be very Biblical. In fact, it sounds a LOT like the original Pentecost, where the disciples came out of the room, and shared the Gospel.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what it would do to Christianity, but I am sure I would be won over to the side of the world during such conversations if I didn't at the same time have Christ forgiving me and feeding me His word and sacraments through His church.

By the way, if you are talking about the churches simply as corporate or business entities, than close their doors.


Doug Hoag said...

Good points here. Jesus has become a product to sell instead of the one who showed us the Father. Consumer Christianity has kept out of the Kingdom those who have been trying to enter.