20 November 2008

I didn't want to say, "I told you so," but...

The recent Obama appointees don't reflect the so-called "change" Mr. Obama promised. As I wrote in a previous entry, change does not come to Washington; people go to Washington and are changed by the Washington culture. Our President-elect will be no exception to this.

Appointing Clintonistas is not change, statements by Lanny Davis notwithstanding. Davis claims that real change is in policy, not people. Nice try. That's like saying the Grim Reaper will reap no more.

Bringing in the same old retreads from the 90's will result in policies from the 90's. I don't see this as change. It's just reverting back to the 90's. Do we really expect people who worked for Clinton and Washington veteran insiders to enact policies that have never been seen before? Won't they just do what they did in the 90's? Doing something over again is not change. It's doing something over again.

Yes, I know-- the Clinton era was wonderful, despite the reproach Mr. Clinton brought to the office of President. The federal deficit was erased. There was a surplus of revenue. It really was about the stupid economy.

But that's not my point. The Obama Administration might be good for the country (which remains to be seen), but it is not change. Change is doing things altogether differently, not rehashing and replaying old policies.

This is why I never believe promises of change. It only turns out to be more of the same. Sorry to sound so cynical at a time when many folks are counting down the days to the inauguration with intense anticipation and celebratory spirit. Pardon me if I'm not dancing in the street. I just think we've put too many eggs in one basket.

I hope the Obama Administration proves me wrong and enacts creative and inclusive policies that doesn't cowtow to interest groups. I really, really do!!


Anonymous said...

Like you, I'll believe it when I see it.

Chris said...

I too am disappointed in al the Clinton-era retreads. If I wanted that, I would have voted for Clinton.

Doug Hoag said...

But... I hope Obama communicates clearly to them that they are not going to be allowed to be a bunch of free wheeling mavericks and gets them on board with his agenda of "change".