11 January 2007

I Shouldn't Procrastinate

I should always be busy. I shouldn't procrastinate.
What's so bad about procrastinating?
I don't get anything done.
So, what's the worst that can happen when you don't get anything done?
People will think less of me.
Is it true that people shouldn't think less of you?
Yes. I don't like it when people catch me being lazy.
Can you be absolutely sure that people shouldn't think less of you?
No. I can't be absolutely sure.
How do you react when you think people shouldn't think less of you?
I get scared. I get suspicious of anyone who happens to see me, like they're checking up on me or spying on me. I start to worry about getting a royal ass chewing and feel guilty for not doing my work.
Who would you be if you weren't able to believe that people shouldn't think less of you?
I would be more relaxed. I would certainly treat people better and not be so suspicious. I would not feel guilty.
Now do your turnarounds. Can they be just as true or truer than your original thought?

I shouldn't think less of me.
Yeah, that's pretty true. I do get down on myself.

People should think less of me.
Sometimes they do. But I don't really know about it unless they actually say something.

I shouldn't think less of other people.
Ah, yes!! Very true. I do think less of other people. That's why I believe that other people think less of me.


Kevin Beck said...

Isn't the Work great?

I've been thinking about doing the Work on procrastination myself, but I think I'll wait until tomorrow.

Isn't it insane how we beat up ourselves all the time for everything? Let's enjoy some freedom for a change!

Doug Hoag said...


Have a pleasant tomorrow!!