16 January 2007

Multi-Site Ministry

Recently, I've been toying with the idea of Trinity serving God in two locations by creating a second site ten miles south of New Lenox in a rapidly growing city called Manhattan. There is no Lutheran presence there, and it would be foolish to do nothing in the middle of this explosive growth. Whatever we end up doing there would be considered a satellite of Trinity. I won't elaborate and bore you with details here. Many churches have adopted this model, and I think it's quite an innovative way of reaching out with the Good News! What I like about it is the opportunities it presents to be creative in programming and worship at the new site, while maintaining what's familiar at the present site. So far, a couple of people have responded positively to the idea.

What would I do at the second site? I would hold services for spiritual seekers and the spiritually well-established. I envision using some of the latest communication technology, but I don't envision using a "praise band". There are too many upstarts using praise bands, and I'm getting a sense that people are starting to get tired of them. Too much of the music sounds like cheesy 80's ballads. I'd like to have worship in the spirit of Taize, using strings and woodwinds, and offering a variety of liturgical expression, including art and dance.

I would also offer opportunities to foster a deep and rich inner life through meditation, prayer, and other transformative practices. I can see doing things like Inquiry Circles for The Work of Byron Katie, Centering Prayer, Big Mind Meditation-- things like that! Also recovery groups for certain maladies of our day, such as divorce.

Oh well-- right now it's a vision for a place for people to discover their deepest selves and to rest in the love of God.


Chris Ledgerwood said...

Sounds really good. But it also sounds like a huge project as well!
Good Luck!

Doug Hoag said...

Thanks! I'm just making this up as I go along, so we'll see what happens.