23 February 2007

Projecting and Judging

Your awareness of reality is nothing more and nothing less that a projection of your own thoughts. It's like you're watching your own movie. Shakespeare was onto something when he said that all the world is a stage.

This is all any of us know how to do. We can't do anything different. We project our own stories. We run into problems when we try to manipulate and change reality because reality isn't the problem. We think it is because we don't know any better. We have been led to believe that everything outside of ourselves is what's really wrong with the world. So we judge it and find it lacking.

That's it! We project and we judge the projection. But here's the deal-- when we judge others, what we're really doing is judging our own thoughts and stories, but without the awareness that that's what we're actually doing. See how that works? We haven't realized this because, until recently, no one has come along to point this out to us.

What this means is that others, or even God, are never your problem. When you're watching a movie in a theater, and the picture seems fuzzy, is the picture the problem? Of course not! The problem is the projector. It's out of focus. Fix the projector!

You can fix you, the projector, by questioning the thoughts and stories that tell you that something's really wrong with the world. Ask yourself if your stories are true and sit with that question. Don't force an answer. Let it just arise to meet the question.

1 comment:

Xian Chick said...

and how!

i have a perfect, microcosmic example for you...

my husband and i were at odds some-time back and were on the verge of separation when we had a blow out that consisted of each of us giving the other one all of our (imagined, but very real to us) thoughts that the other was thinking and all the judgments that the other was judging.

they were very serious issues, like i thought that he thought that i was icky and dirty. he thought that i thought he wasn't home enough. he ACTUALLY never thought i was icky or dirty, and i ACTUALLY thought he hung around the house too much.

then we realized that we were macrocosmically projecting all kinds of things on to the world and onto God that consisted of ideas and judgments against us that weren't even real.

in fact, it was that realization that made me look further into the bible to find out EXACTLY what it is that Jesus actually told us, rather than what others had explained to me. what freedom.

God loves us. and so does everyone else.

thanks doug.