15 February 2007

This Might Be Original

A basic doctrine of many Christian denominations and confessions is original sin. Basically, it's the condition we've inherited from Adam and Eve when they sinned in the Garden of Eden, and is the explanation for the continuation of sin. We are sinful from birth and will remain so until death. So goes the doctrine of original sin.

I would like to formulate a new doctrine (even though it isn't very new at all, but maybe just forgotten)-- the doctrine of original innocence. I wonder why most Christians never talk about that. We always first confess how sinful we are and then talk about forgiveness and restoration. But restored to what?

So here's the doctrine of original innocence in a nutshell: the condition of the perfection of humanity prior to the Fall and which has been fully restored in Christ.

Nobody's perfect? Says who?


Xian Chick said...

I recently read a book by Charles Westley about christian perfection... from what I understand, that is exactly the message of the Methodists.

But you're a pastor, so I must be wrong, right???

Doug Hoag said...

I might be the one who's wrong, so that could be right because I'm a pastor, and I must be right because I might be wrong. Or something like that.

bruced said...

That's good stuff! Too bad nobody will believe it...