15 May 2007

On Earth As It Is in Heaven

Hallowed be Thy Name, on earth as it is in heaven;
Thy Kingdom Come, on earth as it is in heaven;
Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

No, you're not seeing things. What I have written I have written!

Again, I do not believe that the Lord's Prayer is telling us that heaven and earth are different places with different locations. In teaching the disciples this prayer, Jesus was demonstrating what they should pray for, namely, that God's presence would be known to all people. I also think that it's a veiled request for God to destroy the Temple. One must remember the multidimensional contours of Jewish thought. Many times, God and heaven were equated with the Temple. It was, after all, thought to be God's dwelling place. Jesus was asking for the earth to be the dwelling place of God (even though it already was). But because the Temple cultus had maintained a monopoly on God, most people were not aware that a temple is not necessary for interaction with God. Heaven doesn't need an access portal made with hands, but one made by God himself. This is the role that Jesus served. He was a walking, talking, living, breathing Temple. And you and I are part of the makeup of this temple, which rises to give glory to God.


Chris said...

OK, now you've got my attention. I had never thought of this petition from that viewpoint.

Let me throw this into the mix, for what it's worth: You are correct when Jesus is a living temple (a dwelling place for God). John tells us that God became flesh & made his dwelling among us. It also says in the Bible that Jesus prophesied about the "temple" (his body). Maybe this is a prophetic petition. Thus, it could be a veiled prophecy, as opposed to a veiled request. Just my knee-jerk opinion.

Doug Hoag said...

Yeah, it could be both! Combine my post with what Prof. Dost said about the intermediate state of those who have died, and we get a completely different picture of heaven and earth.