14 October 2007

The Impossibility of Meeting God Halfway

Many believe that God did his part in sending Jesus, and it’s up to us to meet God halfway. It sounds right to our ears, but how is it possible to meet God halfway? How far is “halfway”?

In this scenario, God is often portrayed as a kindly gentleman who stands around and waits for us to sojourn to where he is.

Sorry, but I don’t see this in the Scriptures.

Jesus had this habit of approaching people with the invitation, “Follow me.” That doesn’t sound like meeting Jesus halfway. That sounds like Jesus meeting us and inviting us to go where he’s going. Now, we don’t have to follow. Quite honestly, most of us refuse occasionally. But Jesus doesn’t stand around and wait for us. He goes to do what he does.

If we don’t follow, he doesn’t strand us where we are. He comes back in order to invite us again to walk with him and follow.

Jesus never said, “Prepare your own agenda for me to enact and meet me halfway.” He did say, “Take up your cross (his agenda prepared for us) and follow me.”

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