03 April 2008

A Place Called Vertigo

I now have two doctor appointments scheduled for next week. The first one is with an audiologist. Given my diagnosis of Benign Positional Vertigo, this is automatic. I have no idea what said audiologist will do, but I’ll consider it to be necessary in finding out why I have BPPV.

The next appointment is with an ear, nose, and throat specialist. The ENT will evaluate the results from audiology and hopefully follow through with a thorough inner ear exam. I’m not sure what to expect, but in the mean time I’m still taking Meclizine to ward off severe dizzy spells.

I really hope I get to the bottom of this. I’m tired of feeling like I’m perpetually buzzed. It's becoming apparent to me that I'm starting to get loopy because I’m calling this feeling "The Cloud of Unknowing." I know I’m in trouble when I start sarcastically naming my infirmities.


Chris said...

But, at least now you've referenced U2. Get better, buddy!

Anonymous said...

Hi, my name is Ross. I have been reading and enjoying your sermons. I have been checking out some local Lutheran congregations on the web because this summer I hope to find a more liturgical church home for my family.

I will keep you in my prayers. After seeing your doctors, if you should desire a second opinion or further help, might I recommend Dr. Jay Pinto at the University of Chicago Hospital. He is an excellent ENT and good friend of mine. By the way, I thank God for the wonderful Easter sermons you prepared even as you have been buzzing with vertigo.

Your brother in Christ,

Doug Hoag said...

I just couldn't leave U2 out this time.

Thank you for your kind words. You are welcome to visit anytime. Trinity is a liturgical church, and I'm sure you and your family will be very comfortable here. And thanks for the recommendation to Dr. Pinto. If I can't get to the bottom of what's wrong I'll definitely look him up.

Roger T. Feeback said...

Pastor Doug,
naming your infirmities isn't the worst thing in the world. I mean you could start naming your pets after the infirmites...for instance -
Come here, A.D.D.!
Sit Bladder Infection sit.
Roll over Headache!