17 June 2009

Hypothetical Question

What if Adam and Eve decided not to eat from any of the trees in the garden? Would they have starved to death?

The question is not as dumb as you think.


clarkitect said...

They had every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth for food (Genesis 1:29). Starve? No, not physically. However, the fruit of the trees contain the sugar. I will always choose the juicy sweetness of fruit over the fiber and starch of vegetables. You can stick to the seed bearing plants and remain "safe," or experience all God provides and "live." Should I go thirsty out of fear I may get drunk on wine? A legalistic existence can never be as sweet as one where we are "free to eat from any tree."

Doug Hoag said...

Oh yeah... that's one little detail I forgot about. The seed-bearing plants!! Which leads to my next hypothetical question. If they were in paradise, why would they need to eat at all? If there was no "death" before the Fall, they theoretically didn't have to eat anything. It seems to me that God wouldn't have to make any provision of food at all.

clarkitect said...

That was the next process of thought a friend and I went down. Why food with no death? Were the seed bearing plants and the fruit of the trees merely for our enjoyment? AND, if Adam and Eve were not to experience death, but be fruitful and multiply, was sex for our enjoyment since pain in child birth came after the fall?