16 December 2009


I wonder what would happen to Biblical interpretation if theologians were to view eschatology (the study of end times) in a covenantal sense rather than a spatial-temporal-materialistic sense. It appears to me that current millennial theologies leave much fear and much doubt in their wake (especially fear). I haven't seen the movie "2012", and I don't plan on seeing it, but it looks pretty intense.

What if all of our understandings of what is meant by "the end" (which usually includes the total destruction of the space-time continuum) were wrong? What if the passing away of heaven and earth (Matthew 5:18; Luke 21:33) really meant the passing away of a covenantal era embodied by the Jewish commonwealth of the 1st century in general and the Jerusalem temple in particular?

It might result in apocalyptic cinematograpy becoming passe. Movies that make money playing on people's fears of, and/or fascinations with, Mayan calendars (or Family Radio) may become relics before their time. And many more people could have peace of mind and heart.

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