16 December 2009

Weird on Christmas

I don't know why so many people use the occasion of the celebration of the birth of Jesus to advance their own petty political agendas. Perhaps people enjoy being petty.

People like me, who want to enjoy the beauty and sacredness of the celebration, and who want to give mindful attention to the Word Become Flesh, get tired of listening to complains about how KMart doesn't do this, and City Hall doesn't do that... blabbity, blab, blab, blab.

Instead of waiting for the culture to accomodate your beliefs, enter into your own spiritual tradition deeply and thoughtfully. And then put it into practice. What goes on around you in political and consumer culture will begin to fade in significance when compared to the grace of God that was manifested in Bethlehem. Don't expect retailers and politicians to conform. Let them be what they are. Salvation isn't found in them anyway.

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