26 September 2008

PETA Ice Cream

Did you hear about this?

I love Ben and Jerry's ice cream, especially New York Super Fudge Chunk. Having it made with breastmilk seems creepy to me. Breastmilk is better kept for babies. Does PETA really want to treat women like cows? Apparently. Are we going to have factories that milk nursing mothers? Who's going to volunteer (or even get paid) to go through the embarrassing process of getting hooked up to pumps and get milked?

By the way-- adult humans shouldn't be drinking milk anyway, no matter where it comes from. You don't see a full grown cow having a glass of milk with dinner, do you? You never see any men who are still nursing. Milk is for infants and babies because of the growth hormones contained in milk, which they receive from mothers of like species.

But anyway, I'm glad PETA at least came up with an idea, which means there are people thinking about this stuff. But I don't think milking humans for their milk to make ice cream is a very good idea.

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