21 October 2008

Bunions Gone; Feet Ready to Scare People at Halloween

As you know from a previous post, I had surgery on both feet to remove bunions. The surgery went very well, as expected, and the recovery isn't all that bad either. I was expecting to be in immense pain and agony, but the pain has been minor. I keep on top of it by taking an Aleve in the morning. I originally used Vicodin for pain relief but it made me loopy, and there's a risk of becoming dependent. I stopped taking it and moved to Aleve on the recommendation from a friend.

I'm now sporting layers of bandages and huge post-operative shoes. They look like something Frankenstein's monster would wear!! But that isn't what makes my feet look scary. It's the incisions!! They look absolutely ghastly. On top of that my toes are bruised and there is some swelling. Doc said it's from the steroids he injected into the feet before suturing.

Now, here's something I didn't know before: bunions are genetic. I thought they came from wearing lousy shoes, which is what most of the "experts" say. So there's a chance that the bunions could return based solely on genetic predisposition. It also means that I can wear high heels again!!

Kidding. KIDDING!!

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