11 March 2008

More Political Indiscretions

What do you do with yet another politician who has been exposed as hypocritical? And why are we so surprised that this kind of thing happens?

As you most likely already know, it was revealed yesterday that New York Governor Eliot Spitzer has been linked to a high-end call girl service. And the press is licking their chops and salivating profusely.

Now, I'm not a pundit or a politician. I'm a theologian, and so I approach things from that perspective. Media hype aside, it's apparent that Spitzer has a dark side to his squeaky clean persona. But don't we all? Don't we all have skeletons in our closets? Put yourself in Spitzer's shoes, if only for a moment. What if your dark side was exposed and plastered on the internet and television? Would you be embarrassed? Ashamed?

All of us have dirt that, placed in the right hands, could lead to a personal downfall. This doesn't excuse what the governor did. It is wrong to cavort with call girls at taxpayer expense. But people are so shocked when things like this happen, and I wonder why! Is our shock just another way of hiding our own indiscretions, or another way of saying, "Thank God it wasn't me!"? Ponder this question carefully. You just may be shocked at yourself! Hopefully this will lead you to repentance for the forgiveness of sins and to prayer.


Kevin Beck said...

Hi Doug,
Very thoughtful post. I'm rarely shocked by people actually having sex. That seems to be pretty basic to most of us.

I understand the "glee" from political opponents who mock people in their suffering -- even if it is "deserved." However, I wonder if we should recognize it and ourselves best by covering our eyes (as Obidiah says) instead of piling on. Love covers a multitude of sins.

Great post.


Doug Hoag said...

Piling on seems to be the reflex reaction, but it isn't very conducive to mercy. Maybe that's the missing element here.