26 March 2008

Spending Time With God????

A popular televangelist recently said, "Oh, I went to church, but I never spent time with God." This line got whoops, laughs, and applause.

What do you suppose it means to "spend time with God"? Is it something that we're supposed to do? Is integrity compromised if we don't give the Creator of all things a little bit of attention? Does it automatically mean that one is "less than" if quality time isn't spent with the Deity? Do I get a notch in my belt if I sit around and chant and meditate?

The assumption of the televangelist is that "time with God" is something that is initiated by us. And we all know what that means, right? Works-righteousness! It's nothing but just another activity that's foisted upon the viewers to keep them busy with things that are doomed to fail.

I used to be one of these people who had to "spend time with God", and felt guilty when I didn't. No more. I don't spend time with God anymore because time isn't something that's mine to spend. To God belong time and eternity. And besides, I'm tired of spending time with God if it means that I always call the shots.

Here's the real story: God spends time with you!! I think that's the point of church. Through His Word and the Sacraments, God spends time with us. God decides what to do with the time. God calls the shots. Pressure's off! Worship is the reminder of God's pursuit of us to spend time with us.

Stop trying to put time with God on your daily list of things to do, and know that God is there with you in every activity. You don't have to understand how. Just know that He is!!

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