05 March 2008

Moses' Electric Kool-Aid Trip

According to Professor Benny Shanon of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Moses was hallucinating when he saw the burning bush and when he received the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai. Read it for yourself!

On what does the kind professor base his findings? After all, he admitted that he can't prove absolutely that Moses imbibed on the electric kool-aid. What do people normally turn to when they don't have a shred of evidence? Personal experience! Apparently Shanon indulged himself with some hallucinatory sap from a certain tree in South America and experienced some religio-spiritual visions, ergo Moses must have done the same thing. I believe in terms of logic this is what's known as a non sequitur.

Moses would not be the first one in the Bible I would accuse as being stoned. My first picks would be Ezekiel and Daniel. If anything resembled an acid trip, it would have been what those guys saw.

Kidding aside, if we're going to accuse Moses of this, why stop there? Why not include all of the Israelites? They also saw the events and heard the noises on Sinai. And for that matter we should include the disciples and apostles of Jesus.

The Holy Scriptures could then possibly be one giant acid trip! I wouldn't bet my life savings on that flimsy conclusion, though.


Chris said...

Props on the Tom Wolfe reference!

Doug Hoag said...

I aim to please!!