22 July 2008

God Is

God is not something to believe in or not. God is. The issue is one of trust. God is either trusted or not trusted.

The Pharisees believed in God. They didn't trust God, as could be seen by their scrupulosity and rigidity. The Sadducees believed in God, but they didn't trust God, as could be seen by their manipulative cultic and ritualistic practices. The Scribes believed in God, but they didn't trust God, as could be seen by their construction of a "fence around Torah." The Zealots believed in God, but they didn't trust God, as could be seen by their sharpened swords to fight a holy war.

Belief says, "God should do things my way."
Trust says, "God does things His own way, and it is always good no matter the situation."

Belief is something that should be left for the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus (or other mythical creatures). Trust is reserved only for God. I trust that God is. My trust waivers from time to time. I'm only human. But in moments of silence and reflection, my trust builds and I submit to the way of it all. Whatever happens, happens. I may or may not like it, but it is still what happens, and there was very little I could have done to prevent it or change it. Something will come out of it, and I can't prevent or change that either.

God is.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Intersting. More to come...