03 July 2008

No Scripture

What would the Christian faith look like if the Spirit hadn't inspired the Biblical authors to write? Almost all scholars agree that almost everything we have in the Bible started out as oral traditions, including the Gospels. According to Dr. Ken Bailey, the Gospels were written primarily out of necessity. The oral traditions and stories about Jesus were kept guarded in the various faith communities by the eyewitnesses of the events of Jesus' life. In the earliest Christian communities in Palestine, reducing oral traditions to writing was the same as burning them, which is why they waited until the last possible moment to write them down. The eyewitnesses (guardians) of the traditions were dying as the years passed, and writing would have been the only means of preservation. So...

What would the Christian faith look like if all of the original eyewitnesses of the life of Jesus died before their stories were written down? Remember, at the time of the apostles there was no such thing as a written New Testament, and the faith caught on like wildfire throughout the Mediterranean world.

Just wondering. Thoughts?

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