30 July 2008

Look! It's Cheesus!!

Seems that Jesus is showing up everywhere these days: cat fur, sink stains, burnt toast. But this one has to top them all. It was even given a name, and you won't find it on eBay.

If I discovered this in my bag of Cheetos, I would've thought it to be an odd coincidence and eaten the thing. And I don't give names to snack foods I ingest.

It's a Cheeto.

I repeat: IT'S A CHEETO!! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!


Chris said...

Are we sure it's supposed be Jesus? It looks more like the flux capacitor from "Back to the Future."

Doug Hoag said...

You mean, Jesus was a flux capacitor? I've always wondered why I majored in Electrical Engineering-- it was for this very moment!!


Anonymous said...

I wonder just how many "Jesuses you've eaten over the years. I'm sure I've had plenty.

Potato chips, Cheetoes, French Toast, Pancakes....and the list goes on.

Doug Hoag said...

I hadn't thought of that. Funny-- my family and I were driving yesterday and my son saw a cloud that looked like a face, and I asked him, tongue-in-cheek, if it looked like Jesus.

I guess you can see Jesus' face anywhere if that's what you really want to see.