19 October 2006

Air America

I've started listening to Air America. They claim to be progressive talk, but it's just more angry liberalism that seeks to unseat anyone who's conservative. It's merely regurgitated "us vs. them" kind of radio, and is one more example of the deep polarization in our country. It adds fuel to the fire. That's not progressive to me.

True progressivism seeks to go above and beyond the liberal/conservative impasse, while taking both poles to a place where neither has ever been before. It takes creativity and tact to do this, and I have a little bit of both, but probably not enough to solve this problem. But I still seek and learn, and that's why I listen to Al Franken and Rush Limbaugh, Randi Rhodes and John Gibson, Mike Papantonio and Bill O'Reilly.


Kevin Beck said...

WHen the conventional future is a dud, many people opt for the counter approach. That always leads to break-down. People like you are working for a creative approach. God bless you, brother.

Doug Hoag said...

Yeah, I'm trying, but man it's tough. But it's the only way I see to get us anywhere!

Chris Ledgerwood said...

I guess the question is can we really make a difference? Since those in power are making decisions based on what's best for their pocketbooks. It seems the answers to the worlds problems are simple, treat everyone else the way you want to be treated! But we can't do that can we? The human race is the only creature that races to it's own demise. God help us all