10 October 2006

Cutting Through the Abortion Debate

Abortion is an issue which deeply divides our country. Most people are so entrenched on this issue that the two sides have created a no-man's land for those who choose not to take sides. It's mostly a battle over words and rhetoric, with the express purpose of making the opposing side look inept.

The people who are against abortion label themselves as "pro-life", the implication being that those who are on the other side of the issue are "anti-life", or "pro-death".

The people who are for abortion label themselves as "pro-choice", the implication being that those who are on the other side of the issue are "anti-choice", or "pro-fascism".

It's like organizations who call themselves "Friends of (fill in the cause)". Not undertaking the advocacy activities of said group implies that one is an "Enemy of (fill in the cause)."

These maneuvers with language are ways of avoiding what's really important. Seriously, I've never met one person who is actually pro-death or anti-choice. I've yet to meet a person who believes that abortion is the greatest activity in the world. I've yet to meet a person who believes that shooting clinic employees is a worthwhile cause. I'm not saying that these people aren't out there. I've just yet to meet them. But I'll have a hard time finding them.

Until we learn to use different language to identify how we feel about this issue we will continue to be entrenched. I will go on record saying that I am opposed to abortion, but I know that it will exist no matter what anyone thinks about it. I propose we investigate why people seek to have abortions in the first place and then address those issues instead of seeking to annihilate the supposed opposition. This may be conducive to an atmosphere in which abortion would be unheard of.


Chris Ledgerwood said...

Going to the heart of the issue instead of calling each other names! It's so crazy it just might work!!!

Doug Hoag said...

Hey, that's what I'm here for. Crazy ideas. Of course there are too many sane people around me and they keep blowing each other up! I can't compete with that.