26 October 2006


What a lousy day, meteorologically speaking. It's been a steady drizzle all day, kinda like what's going on in my brain.

I'm very tired today. I've felt this way all week. I wonder if I'm sleeping well. I wake up feeling like I just got hit by a semi.

I've started drinking green tea. Maybe that's the problem, but I'm drinking decaffeinated green tea, so I know I'm not overstimulated. But we'll see if it helps me lose the old spare tire in my midsection. Seriously, I look like I've swallowed a yacht! Green tea's supposed to raise the metabolism rate. I really haven't seen any results yet, as it has only been a week. I'll give it some time to start kicking in.

Tonight I go a haunted prison (yes, you read that correctly) called Statesville. It'd better be a gourmet haunted prison, because it costs $25. I've heard it's pretty intense, and it looks quite hardcore on its website. Plus, with my sensitivity to outside stimuli, it should all come together to make for an enchanted evening. I'll probably start having nightmares beginning tonight.

I think I'll go home and take a short snooze before I'm terrorized tonight. Hopefully the World Series Game 4 will be on when I get home from Statesville. That's all for now!

1 comment:

Chris Ledgerwood said...

Haunted prison! sounds fun! let us know how it went!