13 October 2006


Luke 15:11-32 is Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son. There's a very interesting aspect of this parable that has intrigued me for a while, and that is, the son's request for his share of his inheritance from his father.

In Middle Eastern culture, asking for your share of the inheritance is tantamount to telling your father to drop dead. It is highly insulting to your father and to the community. The community will seek your death for the way you treated your father. Here's what's incredible to me-- the father gives the son his share of the inheritance, and then the son runs away from home. Now here's the best part:

As the son is returning home with nothing and within an inch of losing his life, his father sees him from afar, runs to him, and embraces him. He is safe! The community can't touch him because his father has welcomed him back! The villagers must treat the son as the father treated him. And then it was party time!!

So, I'm wondering-- What if we all told God to drop dead, ran away, and then came back? Will God punish us? It looks to me like God will throw a party instead!!


Kevin Beck said...

Doug, Maybe we alread did tell him to drop dead. He died to his ego and is always welcoming us. God makes the first move all the time.

Speaking of God and parties...it is nothing short of miraculous what the Tigers are doing. If they win it all, will Detroit get burned to the ground?

Doug Hoag said...

Great point! Never thought about the possibility of having already told God to bug off. And I think you're right!

Detroit will probably burn to the ground, and some people won't even wait for the Tigers to win the whole thing!

Chris Ledgerwood said...

I agree with Kevin on this one. We all have told him to drop dead.

bruced said...

I've thought for some time now that the story isn't about the son at all, but about the Father. A better title might be "The Amazingly Loving Father".