06 September 2006

My New Page

I deleted my old blog because I want to blog from my office instead of from home and I had forgotten all of my ID's and passwords and I didn't feel like fishing for them. Plus I wanted a whole new look on Blogger. My old blog was entitled "Reflections on Following Jesus", but I didn't write about following Jesus very much, and so this change will more closely reflect an attempt at some honesty.

I hope I can break free from the fear of being transparent, and I hope that what I write can resonate with many hearts who find it confusing to live as a Christian in this breakneck pace society. Believe me, I'm just as confused as you are.

My source of faith is Scripture because I believe that God truly speaks through it, and most loudly through the life and ministry of Jesus. Jesus is very real to me because his story fits so nicely in the sweep of the Biblical narrative, and I love exploring the various nuances of the New Testament writers as they reflect on this Jesus who has so influenced the world in which we live.

1 comment:

Chris Ledgerwood said...

I like the new sight, and I am looking forward to your thoughts.