06 September 2006

Second Post-- The Tao of Yardwork

I don't like yardwork, especially when there's so much to do. For the past few days my wife and I have worked very hard but have little to show for the effort. That sucks. But I know that if we keep tending to our tasks we will have a beautiful yard once again.

I remember as a kid when we got slapped with a citation for not weeding and cleaning up our part of the alley over the backyard fence. Apparently some of the neighbors bitched that it looked sloppy and complained to the Department of Public Works in Detroit. We honestly didn't know that we were supposed to keep it weeded. Ignorance is no excuse, however, and we got the good news in the mail.

Which leads me to a conclusion-- you show me a guy who complains about his neighbor's yard, and I'll show you a guy who's trying to maintain equity.

Equity. The meaning of life. The bottom line. The real reason that yardwork exists.


Chris Ledgerwood said...

Well, at least you have a yard to attend. It has been so hot this summer in the sooner state that I haven't even had to mow my yard. In fact, there is more dirt than grass now.

bruced said...

Sometimes I think I'll hire a lawyer to official designate my yard as a "wilderness meadow", but I think the zoning people might fight it.

Chris, unfortunately... we've had a lot of rain in the last few weeks, and my lawn is thick and green. Oh the sorrow! I might not even make it through this season on one 2.5 gallon can of gas like usual. Oh the horror! At least the price of gas is coming down.

Thanks for your comment on my blog, Doug. I look forward to getting to know you!